Send the perfect birthday message with this fun and quirky card! It reads 'Some People Call Me Crazy. I Prefer the Term "Happy With a Twist."' on the front and on the inside the sentiment says, 'It's Time to Shake Things Up! Wishes for a Wonderful Birthday' Make them laugh with this clever and unique card! It's sure to be a hit!
Card is 4.5" x 6.25",in rich copper and sepia tones printed in the USA on FSC-certified, 100% recycled paper. Kraft envelopes made from 100% post-consumer paper.
Send the perfect birthday message with this fun and quirky card! It reads 'Some People Call Me Crazy. I Prefer the Term "Happy With a Twist."' on the front and on the inside the sentiment says, 'It's Time to Shake Things Up! Wishes for a Wonderful Birthday' Make them laugh with this clever and unique card! It's sure to be a hit!
Card is 4.5" x 6.25",in rich copper and sepia tones printed in the USA on FSC-certified, 100% recycled paper. Kraft envelopes made from 100% post-consumer paper.