Unfold a sweet surprise with this Red Roses Paper Bouquet! Real roses are overrated - this bouquet won't fade away and will always stay as beautiful and vibrant as the day it was gifted. Plus, minimal preparation means more time for smiles! So bloom with joy!
Package includes a bouquet, matching blank note card, a paper vase, and a vibrant mailing envelope. Measures approximately 12" high x 9" across.
Unfold a sweet surprise with this Red Roses Paper Bouquet! Real roses are overrated - this bouquet won't fade away and will always stay as beautiful and vibrant as the day it was gifted. Plus, minimal preparation means more time for smiles! So bloom with joy!
Package includes a bouquet, matching blank note card, a paper vase, and a vibrant mailing envelope. Measures approximately 12" high x 9" across.