Send the perfect anniversary message with this fun and heartfelt card! It reads 'You Have My Whole Heart, For My Whole Life.' Inside the sentiment says 'Happy Anniversary to the Best Decision I Ever Made.' Share the love with this adorable and unique card. It's sure to make one smile!
Card is 4.5" x 6.25",in rich copper and sepia tones printed in the USA on FSC-certified, 100% recycled paper. Kraft envelopes made from 100% post-consumer paper.
Send the perfect anniversary message with this fun and heartfelt card! It reads 'You Have My Whole Heart, For My Whole Life.' Inside the sentiment says 'Happy Anniversary to the Best Decision I Ever Made.' Share the love with this adorable and unique card. It's sure to make one smile!
Card is 4.5" x 6.25",in rich copper and sepia tones printed in the USA on FSC-certified, 100% recycled paper. Kraft envelopes made from 100% post-consumer paper.